W H A T    I S    A D V A N C E D    G U E S T B O O K    C O D E ?

AGCode to wariant kodu HTML umożliwiający wstawianie odsyłaczy do innych stron we wpisie do Księgi Gości bez znajomości kodu HTML. Kod HTML będzie automatycznie generowany jeśli zostanie użyty kody AG.

Dostępne kody AG:

Odsyłacze do innych URL
Jeśli AGCode jest włączony, nie musisz używać kodu [URL] by utworzyć hyperlink. Po prostu wpisz pełny adres URL w jeden z następujących sposobów i hiperłącza zostanie utworzony automatycznie:
  • http://www.TwójURL.com
  • www.TwójURL.com Zauważ, że możesz użyć pełnego adresu http:// lub skrócić go do www.domena. Jeżeli strony nie zaczyna się od przedrostka "www", należy użyć kompletny adres "http:// ". Ponadto, możesz użyć adresu https oraz ftp URL przedrostków w trybie auto-link (jeśli włączono AGCode).

  • You can also have true hyperlinks using the [url] code. Just use the following format:


  • The old [URL] code will still work, as detailed below. Just encase the link as shown in the following example (AGCode is in red).


    In the examples above, the AGCode automatically generates a hyperlink to the URL that is encased. It will also ensure that the link is opened in a new window when the user clicks on it. Note that the "http://" part of the URL is completely optional. In the second example above, the URL will hypelink the text to whatever URL you provide after the equal sign. Also note that you should NOT use quotation marks inside the URL tag.

Email Links
To add a hyperlinked email address within your message, just encase the email address as shown in the following example (AGCode is in red).


In the example above, the AGCode automatically generates a hyperlink to the email address that is encased.

Bold and Italics
You can make italicized text or make text bold by encasing the applicable sections of your text with either the [b] [/b] or [i] [/i] tags.

Hello, [b]John[/b]

Hello, [i]Maria[i]
Adding Images
To add a graphic within your message, just encase the URL of the graphic image as shown in the following example (AGCode is in red).


In the example above, the AGCode automatically makes the graphic visible in your message. Note: the "http://" part of the URL is REQUIRED for the [img] code.

Adding Flash
To use flash within your message, just encase the URL of the flash file as shown in the following example (AGCode is in red).


In the example above, the AGCode automatically makes the flash visible in your message. Note: the "http://" part of the URL is REQUIRED for the [flash] code.

Of Note
You must not use both HTML and AGCode to do the same function. Also note that the AGCode is not case-sensitive (thus, you could use [URL] or [url]).

Incorrect AGCode Usage:
[url] www.proxy2.de [/url] - don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.

[email]webmaster@proxy2.de[email] - the end brackets must include a forward slash ([/email])